Stable and Unstable Angina: Understanding the Key Differences
Stable and Unstable Angina Stable and Unstable Angina: Understanding the Key Differences When it comes to cardiovascular conditions, angina is one of the common ailments that affect millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by chest pain or discomfort due to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. There are two primary types of angina: […]
What Is Wellness And What Does It Mean To You?
Wellness And Its Mean To You? What Is Wellness And What Does It Mean To You? Wellness is a word people toss around like candy. Do you really know what it means? Wellness is actually a movement that has roots in ancient civilization. When we speak about historical references for wellness, China and India in the East come […]
Understanding Hypertension For A Healthier Heart
Hypertension For Healthier Heart Understanding Hypertension For A Healthier Heart High blood pressure in medical terms is known as hypertension. When you have hypertension a variety of things happens in the body: shortness of breath, fatigue, less endurance and stamina, and the beginnings of arterial damage, too. For those with high blood pressure, there are ways to […]
Do Atherosclerosis And Arteriosclerosis Mean The Same?
ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND ARTERIOSCLEROSIS Do Atherosclerosis And Arteriosclerosis Mean The Same? In the world of the cardiovascular system, a variety of terms are used to define similar things. When it comes to arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, there is confusion around these terms that sometimes mean the same thing. When it comes to arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, there is […]
Managing Stress Helps Heart Health
EECP MANAGING STRESS & HEART EECP Therapy Managing Stress & Helps Heart Health Stress and heart health go hand in hand, but sometimes not always in a cohesive and aligned way. Too much of a good thing is often bad…you’ve heard that many times! It goes the same for stress; sometimes small amounts of stress […]
EECP Helps Reduce Symptoms Of COVID-19
EECP Reduce covid-19 EECP Helps Reduce Symptoms Of COVID-19 How many people in your life had or have COVID-19? Maybe you got it several times and now have what’s called, long COVID symptoms. When we say “long COVID,” we refer to the symptoms that last for weeks; sometimes months and years! Some people continue to […]